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Support for Volunteers

The Unity Pavilion regularly has young volunteers who participate in our projects, and often part-funding is needed to cover the costs for food and lodging. The Unity Pavilion has also over the years supported young people with limited means, mainly from African countries, who have been involved in the Africa House project and wanted to study and experience Auroville. One-time contributions or recurring monthly contributions are most welcome.


Educational Support for Employees’ Children

We recognize that our three employees Kannan, Chitra, and Poorani make a huge effort to provide their children with higher education. The Unity Pavilion wants to support the effort of the parents, for these youth to get proper education according to their talents and capabilities. To sponsor the education of one student comes to $950 a year. One-time or monthly contributions also help ease their situation.


General maintenance, events, and workshops

The Unity Pavilion attempts to run on a “gift economy”. The ideal and integrity behind the concept is participation and commitment, a way of working where money per se is not the deciding factor, but an element for enabling and making things possible.


We strive to have a friendly and generous environment with commitment – not a freebie situation, not tit for tat, but something which transcends that. We often host projects that do not have the means to pay for the venue, but which do contribute with a commitment to our Auroville society in other ways. The Unity Pavilion also organizes and hosts events and workshops related to Peace and Human Unity, such as the work with the 12 Qualities or Aspects of the Divine Mother, Sourcing Our Oneness, etc.


Contributions to the upkeep and running of the Unity Pavilion are very welcome. All accounting is done through SAIIER and Unity Fund and is fully transparent and accessible. Contributions can be sent to Auroville Fund specified for “Unity Pavilion – project name” (e.g. “Unity Pavilion – Hall of Peace garden”, “Unity Pavilion – General Maintenance”).


To contribute now kindly follow the below links.

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